Tuesday, December 28, 2010

1626 darling amp with ecc83

this amp is based on bob danielak  'darling amp ' , there's a lot of version of this amp, original caps coupled,  DC darling, schematic can be found here. .
basiclly i built it based on original caps coupled schematic, but change the driver /preamp from 8532 to ecc83
  tubes accepted date : nov 1942.  got it from jasonscard1 on ebay.

amp is built on 'experiment' chassis with all the switch ,sockets and output trannies already screw to chassis  .
                                                 guts shot after finishing wiring

plate voltage 1626-255v
output transformer primary impendence-8k


  1. abe, kawe ada cd baru nak try nih. foo ngan santana. bila leh dtg test? hehe..

  2. mlm sket ok ,wiken terbaek ! takya a gi singapore tu , rugi mase je.kompol duet beli tube amp ar .hehe .tube lazat dari US ni Sweeeetttt... be. military grade lagi, nak letak dlm kete pun ok. bob danielak buat amp kete ok je no prob.
